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Writer's pictureEthan Huang

#1 - MasterChef - Rules and Gameplay

Queen Seraphina yearns,

For delectable cuisine,

Stewards search in vain.

Mushrooms, Tomatoes, Seeds, all refuse to stay,

Teleporting away.

Stewards chase in vain,

But the food items teleport,

Defying Seraphina.

After the war at the Genesis Portal, Queen Seraphina returned home, however there was a hunger in her that couldn’t be satiated. She thus orders her stewards to look for spiritual food ingredients that can be cooked into a delectable cuisine so that she can finally alleviate herself. Will the food items succumb to this irresistible fate?

Food are objects with spiritual awareness and intelligence, doesn’t want to become food for Queen Seraphina. Stewards now have to chase the food.

Food is capable of teleportation from platform to platform.

Role of steward is to predict where the food will teleport to and capture the food.

Stewards can’t teleport and can only move from platform to platform.

After steward catches the food, has to go back to the Bridge to clear scenarios so that he can start cooking the food for Queen Seraphina.

The above photo is an example of a set up for MasterChef. The stewards are the green units, while the food ingredients are the red units. Along with the stewards and the food ingredients are the numbers units, characterised by black in color and a number sticker on it. The numbers range from 0 to 9.

There are 2 phases to the game - the first is the stewards catching the food ingredients, and the second phase is cooking the food.

Let's look into the first phase now, which is catching the food ingredients.

The game set up is as follows - there are two of each number available, meaning there are two 0s, two 1s, two 2s etc till two 9s. All the number units are faced down at the start of the game, as shown by the black units with their numbers covered as shown above.

The steward gets to choose seven numbers to place onto the game boards. Each of these numbers will be shown on the game board.

There is one steward on each side of the game board, and two food ingredients on one side of the game board, and one food ingredient on the other side of the game board.

In one round, both stewards can each move one step, whereas the three food ingredients share only one movement between each other.

The objective of the food ingredients player is to add up the numbers on each of the four platforms on the game board to a sum of 20 (twenty). When the sum of 20 is added together, the numbers disappear from the game board, giving the food ingredients more space to teleport to avoid the stewards.

The objective of the stewards player is to place as many numbers on the platform without the sums forming into 20. As the numbers take up space on the platforms, the food ingredients has less spaces to teleport to and will be caught by the stewards.

When initiating an action, such as using the controller to move the platform, or to place a number onto the platform, both players have to roll a d20 dice each. The player with the higher number gets to initiate the action. This is the bidding system.

Let's look into the first phase of the game.

The steward moves one step down the path.

Both players roll the d20 dice. The food ingredient player wins with a higher number, thus he chooses a number, which is 5 (five), and then places it onto the top right platform, where there are 2 existing numbers. The numbers add up to 12, which means he has to look for an 8 (eight) to fill the gap so that the numbers get cleared off the platform.

In the next round, the steward unit makes a move closer to the food ingredient. The food ingredient then teleports away to a safe location. However, the steward unit player initiates an action, rolling a d20 dice against the food ingredient player. He gets a higher score, thus he can control the platform and move the food ingredient closer to himself.

The food ingredient player then initiates an action, rolling a d20 dice against the steward unit player. The food ingredient player's score is higher, hence he picks a number unit, which is an 8 (eight). He then places the number 8 unit onto the platform to attain a sum of 20 on that platform. The number units then get cleared away from the platform and from the game.

The game then proceeds, with more number units being added onto the platforms without adding to the sum of 20. The food ingredient also only has limited options to teleport to. The steward unit makes a movement to up once and catches the food ingredient.

After 7 - 10 rounds (to be agreed by both players), the first phase of the game ends. Catching the food ingredient is over, now it is time to cook the food.

Phase 2 - Cooking the Food

The numbers left on the game board from the first phase becomes sauces and condiments.

Odd numbers become sauces, while even numbers become condiments.

The food ingredients become one of the four available ingredients. Roll a D6 die to determine which food ingredient is selected. If it is a 5 or 6, reroll until you get a 1 - 4.

To cook a food item successfully, the steward player needs a food ingredient, a condiment, and a sauce. Below is a list of food items with the different possible combinations of food ingredients, condiments and sauces.

To determine which food item is requested by Queen Seraphina, roll a d6 dice. If it is a 1 - 4, refer to the above lists. If it is a 5 or 6, reroll until you get a 1 - 4.

After looking at the specific list, roll a d6 dice again. The number on the dice corresponds to the number on the list, which means it is the food item to cook. The description of the food item will also show the food ingredient, condiment and sauce needed to cook the meal.

The above photo shows the setup of the game for the second phase. The food ingredients caught are only two, out of the maximum three. The numbers are now also shown, reflecting the condiments and sauces.

The steward thus embarks on the first step.

As per above rules of choosing the food item, player needs to cook a Shadowbane Steak: Grilled steak topped with Shadowbane Sauce, sprinkled with Soulfire Spice, and served with Moonstone Mushrooms.

The steward player happens to have the food ingredient Moonstone Mushrooms, the sauce Shadowbane Sauce, and the condiment Soulfire Space. He thus proceeds to remove one food ingredient and two corresponding numbers (1 and 2) from the game.

The steward player successfully cooks one food item.

As the steward player continues down the bridge, he has three more tries to cook food items until he reaches the end of the bridge.

Players get to play as the steward and as the food ingredients each. The winner is the player who manages to cook the most number of food items.

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